Are You a Surgeon or a Dentist?

You spent a lot of time in dental school.  Worked hard, learned a lot, all the while convinced that you wanted to help people, make them healthy. You became a doctor.

Most people look at you as a dentist, not a doctor.  That’s the general public perception.  But you are a doctor.

Most probably see you limited to finding and fixing cavities, although older patients are expanding your field to gum disease. But you are a doctor; if you want, you can offer your patients so much more for their oral health.

As a doctor, you have the basic training and skills to move into over 50 procedures that you can handle with a WaterLase dental laser system.  You are a dentist, a doctor and, yes, a surgeon.  You are what you want to become, what you want to do.  Sure, you need to upgrade specific techniques and skills. But, you can get a WaterLase, take the training and expand your practice with all the endodontic, periodontal and other surgeries and treatments you want. Here is just a limited list:


• Flap preparation

• Cutting bone to prepare a window access to the apex of the root

• Apicoectomy – amputation of the root end

• Root end preparation for retro fill amalgam or composite

• Removal of pathological tissues


• Removal of sub-gingival calculi

• Removal of highly inflamed edematous tissue

• Laser soft tissue curettage

• Laser removal of diseased soft tissue within the periodontal pocket

• Osteoplasty and osseous recontouring

• Ostectomy

• Osseous crown lengthening


……….and so much more.

Doctor, you studied long and hard to become fulfilled in your profession.  It would make us proud at BIOLASE if you allowed us to bring you the technology and the training you want to expand your practice. Give us a call at 888-424-6527.  Or go to to contact us.  Tell us what surgery you would like to be doing.

Author: Joe Skillin