Hear what dentists across the globe are saying about Waterlase!
"From a business perspective, the BIOLASE laser has grown our practice tremendously. We’ve incorporated so many new patients into our practice. They come by word-of-mouth, they come just wanting a laser experience, and I’ve doubled my production on a daily basis."

“I’m doing procedures I would have never done without the BIOLASE laser such as soft tissue biopsies, periodontal surgery or REPAIR surgery, frenectomies, and so much more! It became very obvious that the laser is a phenomenal tool and that is would easily pay for itself.”

“Hands down the ROI has been amazing! We can now treat kids and do the whole mouth in one visit, the kids are more comfortable and able to tolerate treatment more, which means we can do more in a single visit.”

“Being able to cut not only hard tissue, but soft tissue, to be able to improve wound healing, and less swelling, less pain, and less anesthetic has changed the way we do this minimally invasive dentistry.”

“I definitely feel Waterlase has a place in the repertoire of any general practitioner. I am still learning all the procedures I can perform with a laser and Biolase has been awesome in support of their product I have been very happy in my decision!”

“Financially it is a benefit. It allows me to be a better and more rounded individual provider, keep more in-house and allows me to be a better dentist. By my count, I have generated $50,000 in laser revenue in under 4 months.”
