Waterlase Crown & Veneer Removal


Remove Veneers & Crowns
in less time

Laser crown and veneer removal* can offer a more pleasant experience for both the dentist and the patient. This indication allows dentists to reduce the time it takes to remove crowns and veneers from sometimes 30 minutes to less than five minutes using Waterlase technology. It can also eliminate excess heat by using the natural light of the laser and allows for crowns and veneers to be saved for reuse.


  • FDA cleared to remove crowns and veneers
  • Get 30 minutes of your life back! Remove veneers in <1 minute, crowns <5 minutes
  • Eliminate excess heat from cutting with multiple, expensive diamonds
  • Ability to save the veneer and crown for re-use in most cases
Veneer Removal Animation
*Porcelain and ceramic crowns and veneers.
Crown and Veneer Removal Protocol Guide

Crown & Veneer Removal Protocol Guide

<5 minute Crown and < 1 min. Veneer Removal! Get the EXCLUSIVE PROTOCOL guide demonstrating a minimally-invasive, step-by-step protocol for fast and effective ceramic crowns and veneers removal

Give your patients kinder, more efficient dental care – and enjoy reusing restorations! Get your FREE copy now!

Clinical Study

Debonding of Leucite-reinforced Glass-ceramic Veneers Using Er, Cr:YSGG Laser Device: Optimizing Speed with Thermal Safety

CJ Walinski, DDS; JE Gibson, DDS ; DS Colvert, DDS; DC Redmond, DDS; JH Jafarian, MSP, MS ; PN Gregory, DDS, MHA; KL Ou,MS, PhD

Removing laminate veneers on anterior teeth by using an Er,Cr:YSGG dental laser can be completed faster than previously reported while maintaining thermal safety.

Operative Dentistry, January/February 2021, Volume 46, Issue 1

Clinical Videos

Discover the power of Waterlase for minimally invasive procedures by leading Waterlase clinicians. Witness the precision, learn minimally invasive techniques, and observe improved treatment outcomes. 

Veneer Removal with Waterlase

Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Broome

Crown Removal with Waterlase

Courtesy of Dr. Howard Golan


Achieving Ideal Esthetic Dentistry with the Er,Cr:YSGG Laser

This webinar discusses how laser technology is transforming restorative dentistry, focusing on procedures like esthetic crown lengthening and implant uncover, and veneer/crown removal. It emphasizes the advantages of using lasers, including increased patient comfort, minimal invasiveness, and improved facilitation for the clinical team. 

Waterlase Crown and Veneer Removal


Experience The Next Level of Power and Precision

Experience the flexibility of our innovative modular software tailored to suit your practice’s unique requirements, with options ranging from Soft-Tissue, Perio, Implant, Restorative, Endo, and Skin Resurfacing.

Each procedure module is designed to foster practice growth, empowering you to grow at your own pace. 


Contact Us

Ready to elevate your dental practice? Contact us today to learn more about the many cutting-edge laser procedures that can revolutionize your patient care and outcomes!