Perio Protocol

Manage moderate to severe periodontitis with the minimally invasive Waterlase REPAIR Perio™ protocol.
Waterlase’s YSGG wavelength can degranulate the diseased tissue, decorticate the bone, and detoxify the root, while other wavelengths only degranulate.
Waterlase REPAIR Perio also utilizes laser activation to create a sealing clot within the sulcus, preventing migration of epithelium resulting in improved periodontal wound healing and promoting cementum-mediated new attachment.

Effectively Manage Periodontitis
- Superior patient reported outcomes: less bleeding, less post-op swelling & bruising.
- Faster procedure times with equivalent clinical results to the latest open flap techniques.
- Results supported by a landmark, first-of-its-kind, blind study designed by The McGuire Institute™ to meet stringent AAP Best Evidence Consensus recommendations, and published in the Journal of Periodontology.

Clinical Study
Comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG laser to minimally invasive surgical technique in the treatment of intrabony defects: Six-month results of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study
Donald Clem DDS, Rick Heard DDS, MS, Michael McGuire DDS, E. Todd Scheyer DDS, MS, Chris Richardson DMD, MS, Gregory Toback DMD, MS, Chad Gwaltney PhD, John C. Gunsolley DDS
Background: The purpose of this publication is to report on the six-month clinical results and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) comparing the surgical use of the erbium, chromium-doped: yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser (ERL) and minimally invasive surgical technique (MIST) for the treatment of intrabony defects in subjects with generalized periodontitis stage III, grade B.
- Study designed to meet the stringent American Academy of Periodontology best-evidence consensus standards
- The first multicenter, blinded, controlled study on the use of lasers in managing moderate to severe periodontitis
- A total of 53 patients were enrolled in the study, and treatment was provided by six experienced periodontists at five different sites.
- Results demonstrate that REPAIR is as effective as open-flap procedures in clinical parameters such as pocket depth and attachment level and has significantly better patient-reported outcomes.
*Source: “A comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG laser to minimally invasive surgical technique in the treatment of intrabony defects: six-month results of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study.” Donald Clem, Rick Heard, Michael McGuire , E. Todd Scheyer, Chris Richardson, Gregory Toback, Chad Gwaltney, John C. Gunsolley, Journal of Periodontology, 10.1002/JPER.20-0028, (2020)
View Technique Animations


Closed-Flap Crown Lengthening

Flap Surgery
Clinical Videos
Discover the power of Waterlase for periodontal procedures through our curated collection of clinical videos by leading periodontists. Witness the precision, learn minimally invasive techniques, and observe improved treatment outcomes.
Save More Implants
Results supported by first-of-its-kind human histologic study published in Official Journal of The Academy of Osseointegration. View Here.
*Human Histologic Evaluations of the Use of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser to Decontaminate an Infected Dental Implant Surface in Preparation for Implant Reosseointegration; Myron Nevins, Stefano Parma Benfenati, Primo Galletti, et. al.; International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, November/December 2020, Volume 40, Issue 6; Data on file.

Landmark Study on Lasers and Managing Periodontitis
Watch this panel discussion on the Journal of Periodontology landmark study from the McGuire Institute comparing periodontal flap surgery to the Er,Cr:YSGG laser in managing periodontitis.
Members of the investigating team, Dr. Rick Heard and Dr. Donald Clem, along with a panel of Periodontists will review the study’s design, protocol development, study findings including superior patient related outcomes, and the clinical implications moving forward for your practice.

Experience The Next Level of Power and Precision
Experience the flexibility of our innovative modular software tailored to suit your practice’s unique requirements, with options ranging from Soft-Tissue, Perio, Implant, Restorative, Endo, and Skin Resurfacing.
Each procedure module is designed to foster practice growth, empowering you to grow at your own pace.
We believe this study sets a new standard in laser research in treating periodontitis. At the 6 month time point, BIOLASE REPAIR protocol showed less bruising, swelling and post-operative bleeding in patients vs. MIST.”

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